Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dispelling Duality in Dreamland - by John Hubbird

Human consciousness is now experiencing a quantum evolutionary awakening into newness, wholeness, Oneness, a sacred embracing of our diverse experiences, a transcendental reunion of polar opposites, and so forth. The Path that must be traversed in order to awaken and evolve ourselves, is ironically to delve headlong into incarnating the very self-same duality that we are in the process of transcending,  while at the same time skillfully  navigating these deep unconscious waters in a way that avoids compounding suffering by re-traumatizing ourselves.  The only “way”  forward is to move lucidly and fluidly through shadowy ancestral thickets of murderous dysfunction, abuse, war, rape, pillage, etc. and live to tell about it.   This is where we become the proverbial snake eating it’s own tail.

In order to dispel dualities in a relatively safe manner, ideally such work takes place in what we call a “container” that is strong enough to contain the pressure that must be allowed to build and build, until it reaches sufficient intensity for a major transpersonal psychic shift to occur, at which time the shadow material becomes illumined and liberated.  In the Awakening in the Dream community, weekly groups function as conscious containers for the purpose of invoking, embodying, playing out, transmuting and liberating shadow material.  [For a more detailed explanation of the container and how it works, see]

During my 10+ years of participating in the Awakening in the Dream groups, I have both witnessed and experienced how most “issues” that get constellated in the groups initially present themselves as seemingly solid dualities, as apparent dilemmas, where there are at least two distinctly “different” voices urgently pleading for supremacy over some seemingly “opposite” voice(s).     Energetically, for those  present in the group, this experience is likely to feel like conflict, both tense and intense, heated, oppositional, etc., and -- depending on ones conditioning -- may even feel unsafe, scary and/or abusive, as in something to be avoided.  This is where we may or may not drop into the Rabbit Hole, where most anything can, and probably will, happen.   

One of the more likely things to happen at the edge of a Rabbit Hole is what we refer to as “Edge Phenomenon” (EP)  [<link to Chelsea’s article], where some seemingly random distraction suddenly pops into the field, such as side-chatter, disjointed eruptions of laughter or giggling, interrupting one another, a cat suddenly walking into the center of the circle, lights flickering weirdly, etc.   Interestingly, EP’s can also function as a dreamlike fractalian side-show that further illumines the very process that is unfolding.  [For more on edge phenomenon, please see article "Tarot Reading for the Field" at: ]

For example, a person may be “in their stuff” in a somber story-telling process about how poorly their parents dealt with conflict, and then * BOOM * a seemingly unrelated “conflict” will break out between two other people in the circle, which can easily be seen as a rude or “inappropriate” distraction or interruption that sucks energy and attention away from the person who is talking.  Or, if we are awake enough to catch it, the “interruption” filling up the room can be seen more expansively as an energetic real-life portrayal of the story-teller’s own process around conflict.

Regardless of how duality shows up, its trademark is to urgently impose a false choice onto the field, like about whether something is “this or that”, true or false, good or bad, real or imaginary, abusive or standing up for oneself, and so forth.  Often, two (or more) people will pick up differing voices, giving present real-time shape and form to whatever archetypal duality is being touched upon, thus playing it out.   Then other voices, roles, alignments, and realignments typically start getting played out by others in the circle, so as to render the display more vivid, detailed and colorful, and perhaps even more intense.   Still others may remain silent as witnesses to anchor the energy and simply hold space for all the intense energy that is present, and/or pick up more of a facilitator role,  and so forth.

Thus begins the “cooking” phase of the process, where a particular duality has constellated itself in a room full of witnesses, where it is being illumined, reflected upon, psychically digested, and eventually assimilated and dispelled.  This is where having a strong container becomes essential in order to “hold the tension of the opposites”, which is a Jungian term referring to how we can alchemically transform unconscious shadow material into golden stardust of awakening.  There is no telling how long this cooking process may take: it could take 15 minutes, or hours, weeks, months or years, or it could happen in the “twinkling of an eye”. 

But regardless of how long it takes, the point is that cooking “opposites” represents the homestretch in humanity’s journey towards alchemically dissolving and integrating classic archetypal dualities of the collective unconscious shadow that have historically proven so destructive and damning to our species and to the planet -- and that there is a way to do this cooking that is safe, psychically organic and emotionally healthy.

This is, of course, merely a statement of my own experience in the Awakening in the Dream groups, and does not necessarily reflect how others in the Dreaming community may experience how we deal with duality and conflict.  Fortunately, there is a “comment” section below, where others can supplement what I’ve said with their own experience and reflection.  


  1. John

    Thanks for sharing your article. The resolution of opposites is an easy enough concept to grasp for any of us who have learned to accept the coexistence of paradox. However, when possessed by one side of the polarity at the expense of another, it may be possible to recognize both sides of the coin while still being identified with whichever pole we are habitually entangled in.

    For example, someone who prefers to look only at the light may realize that there is darkness in the world, but find it too painful to really absorb the whole reality of that darkness. Likewise, someone who tends to have a dark worldview may realize that there is light in the world, but feel totally overwhelmed by the intensity of darkness, to where it feels as if there is no way to access the light.

    My sense is that, when someone has a loving community to support them through these challenges, real transformation can occur. However, it may take a while to accomplish, resolving only a little bit at a time, until eventually we reach that zero-point where duality has no choice but to resolve into unity.

    1. Nicely put. Yes, different people can and will pick up differing roles in a given process, sometimes to an extreme. This is a necessary contribution to awakening whereby our wholeness is constellated. And the loving community is the container, which is also necessary in order for the pressure to reach transformative levels of vibration.

  2. Nice points you make, Silent. Dispelling duality doesn't imply that it's something "bad" to be obliterated, or something wrong to be corrected ... far from it. It's the very tension of duality that generates the electricity & alivenenss that's a zero-point energy source for the cooking process to unfold effortlessly and gracefully, like breathing.

    I suppose that embracing duality in general can sometimes become an unwitting trap-door (or Rabbit Hole if you will) into a very specific archetypal polarity's powerful yin/yang nature, awakening some wild new delicious abandon ... all by simply accepting and relaxing into the idea of duality itself, and allowing it to exist in an unproblematic manner.

    And yes, any given person may feel more "at home" on one side of a duality than on the other -- none of which is necessarily all that problematic as near as I can tell,

    Perhaps, when we get to the point where we just know intuitively and whole-heartedly that one person's "darkness" is another person's "light", and visa-versa, then perhaps we'll be a bit closer to the Unitary Sacred Source of both, and be much more at peace with ourselves and others.

    Holy Both/And Batman!!! .

    Thank you so much for your thoughtful and heart-felt response.

    1. Great point about polarity not being "wrong" or "bad", cultural conditioning notwithstanding. It's easy to see how polarity (i.e. oppositional energy, conflict, etc.) got it's bad rap, what with all the bloody wars, genocides, violence, etc. that are commonly associated with human conflict. This knee-jerk assumption that polarity and conflict is wrong or bad effectively sets the stage for fear to rule, and is therefore one of the biggest obstacles to awakening.
